Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Here are 2 of the 3 miniature redwork blocks that I've finished. The pattern called for coloured embroidery but I couldn't find my bag of threads so it ended up being Redwork :) I have misplaced the December block but I'll post it as soon as I can get home to find it. These have been so fun to stitch and as soon as I can find my other threads I'll be doing the coloured embroidery version !!

This is a little doll quilt that I started the other day for Isis. I need to finish quilting it and then raid my stash of buttons because she wants buttons on all of the squares :) I am going to finish it off Thursday as thats my off day for this week. So many projects - so little time !

Monday, July 28, 2008

Busy Stitching Away

I am busy stitching up the mini redwork months blocks that i posted about a couple of posts ago. They are working up super quick and way to cute - I like them so much I may have to make a couple of these mini quilts for a couple of very special blog buddies of mine :) I will be back to post photo's of the 3 that I have completed when I get home from work as this morning I rembered the camera but not the dang cord - grrr -

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Last little male

This is the last little baby from Voilets litter. Both of the other have found wonderful homes :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

More free Redwork patterns

This is the cutest little redwork mini quilt :) I was up way to early this morning and I've run across a bunch of redwork patterns that I thought some of you might enjoy.To find these patterns go here :

For some Kewpie day of the week babies go here :

I just love this pattern it can be found over at the patternbee and they also have several more that are really neat. Go here to get the patterns :

Also go here for some really neat redwork patterns :

This pattern and quite a few others can be found here :

Friday, July 25, 2008

More Baby Ducks

Phoenix got 3 new baby ducks yesterday . I had giving him some money for helping out with the dogs. He bought these 3 little babies for 9 $ . They are Mallard/Muscovie mix. Very cute little things though very shy as they won't let me get very close to take any good pictures.Phoenix's Topknot ducks are growing fast , they have all of thier adult feathers in now. Pretty soon I'll be having to work on a new pen for the ducks as I think they will outgrow this one soon as it is only 12'x12'.

1906 Crazy Quilt

I just had to share this quilt with ya'll ! Sadly it's not one that I own but if I had an extra 4,000 $ I sure would be owning it :) I love antique Crazy Quilts with lots of embroidery and this one sure does have a bunch !! Hope ya'll enjoy. I'll be back soon to share some more of my work.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A mini chinese coin

I put this one together a couple of days ago. It's a repo of a full sized quilt that I saw several years ago at an Antique store but the orignal had a huge price tag on it so I walked away with just some photo's of the quilt. I have put this top up for sale on Ebay as I really need the $$ right now.I have it up to auction for 11.99 or buy it now of 18.00 . Do ya'll think that's to much money? I am working on a couple of more tops to put up and then I can start some to keep.
*** Edit to add - all these fabrics were from my stash , I wonder if it'll count twoards the Stash Challenge ? *****

Monday, July 21, 2008

Free Summer Workshops

Are you looking for a new project <> I know like we all don't have enough on our plates already. But anywho, over at Cotton Spice the are hosting 14 days of free workshops from some simply wonderful designers including Laughing Cat, Plumcute Designs and a bunch more . Go check it out here to read more about it :
I will be adding a button to my side bar at some point today. And also I will be back soon to show ya'll a couple of things that I have manged to put together the last couple of days.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

More Puppy Photo's

This is Alice. I love this baby girl's white face. At birth she was 4.1 ounces. She should mature about 4 to 5 pounds.

This is Kim. She looks alot like her daddy Rookie. She was the only one in this litter coloured like him. Her brindal markings get more progressed with every day. I have offered her to my friend Sandra, if she doesn't want her I may very well end up keeping her. At birth she wieghed in at 3.1 ounces and according to my growth chart should mature at 3 1/2 to 4 pounds.

This is Dotty and she is really my favirote of the whole litter. At birth she was 3.6 ounces and should mature about 4 to 4 1/2 pounds. I love solid merles and I am very tempted to keep her !!

This is Kojack the only male in the litter and he looks so much like Alice that it's hard not to confuse the two of them. At birth he was the largest of the litter at 4.3 ounces.

Puppy Pic's

These babies are so cute. I just work a 24, I'll be back later with more pic's and info for ya'll.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cheyenne's Progress

It took Cheyenne forever to pick out a pattern that she wanted to do. But in the end she choose a cute basket with flowers in it to applique.

We are using fusible web for this project.

I don't think either one of us realized just how many little pieces there were. Cheyenne didn't think she was ever going to get through tracing and cutting the pieces.

This girl loves to iron fabric :) Even when I am working on my projects Chey does all of the ironing for me . I will post some more of her progress in a couple of days. She wants to get a bit more done on it today as it's me day off and we are having a sewing fest LOL !! If we get a good bit done today I'll post progress pic later on tonight.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunbonnet Sue Update

Here is Sunbonnet #1 finished and Sunbonnet #2 is done also I just need to get her pic on here. The blocks are so much fun to do. I think though that I am going to stop at these 2 and put them with some other blocks to make a sampler. I really want to try out my hand at hand quilting. This past summer I got 3 lap quilting hoops at a yard sale for cheaper than dirt and I really want to give them a go :) I have 4 more blocks that I know will match these little sue's. I think I will play around with some graph paper tonight and figure out just how big I am going to go with this. My first thought is 12 blocks + sashing and boders to maybe make a cuddle quilt . We'll have to see.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More New Puppies :)

Angel had babies this afternoon !! She had 4 of the most adorable itty bitty little babies you ever wanna see. She had 3 blue merle's and 1 little female that looks like it will be a brindle. I will know more about that female in a couple of weeks. I will post some pic's as soon as I get that darn new camera sorted out.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Worst Luck Ever

So I must have the worst luck ever with Ditial Camera's. I have had this one less than a year and tonight when I went to go upload the progress pic's on my Sunbonnet Sue's I realized that the darn thing was broken. Isis is the culprit I believe as the part that you plug into the computer looks as though it has been chewed on. So I'll be off to Walmart to spend only who knows how much on a new camera.Needless to say I am NOT impressed but where she is only 5 there's not much I can do about it other than to give her a stern talking to about touching things that don't belong to her :(

However on a much brighter note Cheyenne has decided to help me reduce my fabric stash. Today she pulled out a ton of fabric and announced that she was making a Wall quilt for her new room. She spent awhile hunting through my quilty mags and found a pattern that she liked ( with some tweeking of course ) . She spent the afternoon fusing, tracing, cutting and ironing ! She has 2 of the 4 needed blocks together but decided that the blocks were lacking something. It took her a wee while to figure out what it was, then she took a look at my Sue's and decided that she wanted Momma to add some buttonhole stitching to her blocks. So I guess I'll put my Sue's on hold for a couple of days to do the buttonhole stitching on her blocks. I will have some photo's of both mine and Cheyenne's progress for ya'll as soon as I get another camera up and going.I feel very lucky to have such a sweet and talented daughter like Cheyenne!!

Meet Memphis

I went out to Robert Graham's last week because I was hunting a new stud. He had several litters to choose from, I knew that I either wanted a blue or a chocolate stud. I looked at a ton of puppy's from just born to 4 months old. I ended up picking out a little male from the oldest litter. What really cinched it for me was that this litter was born on my birthday so I just knew that it was fated to be. Memphis is the smallest male hiding in the back.

He's still a little bit shy but I'm sure he will come out of it soon. At 4 months old he wieghs in at 2 1/2 pounds. I figure that he will mature about 4 to 5 pounds. I am very excited about this little guy :) He has everything that I am looking for in a new stud, size, colour and spunk !! I have been searching a long time for the perfect blue and now I have him :)

Here is a picture of Kelly, Memphis's mother. She is a 8 pound blue/white type A. Also in the picture is Rocky , the sire of Ginger.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Alphabet Friends

Please go on over to Quilt Taffy and see the neat project that is going on :) Here's a link :

Sunbonnet Sue

I put these little Sue's together yesterday at work. I am useing some of the fabric from the stash challenge. These block will become a baby quilt. I am doing a buttonhole stitch around the edges in black DMC. In the last photo you can see a bit of the buttonhole stitch that I did on the purple Sue.I am going to try to finish her up today and then if I get lucky I'll be able to get to the red Sue today. I'll post some more photo's tomorrow of my progress. I'm off to go stitch now :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Some free patterns

Sorry long time no post , I have been quite busy working on a few mini quilts and if I get lucky I will have a couple of finishes to show ya'll in the next couple of days.It's been hard to squeeze in any sewing time - the office has me working from 12 to 14 hours a day , man how I'm wishing for a day off :( But anyways, I have new pic's of the baby puppies that I will post later on today - they will be going to new homes very soon , thats always such a sad time for me ! I so enjoy raising a new litter of babies and I get so attached to the little buggers, sometimes I wish that I could keep them all !!

I got up at 3 AM this morning and started hunting blogland and lookie what I found - for those of you who enjoy redwork here is a free pattern :

Here is another cute redwork freebie that I've found this morning.This is the link :