This top photo is of the only female in the litter. Boy ain't she pretty :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
1 Week old
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 7:18 AM 1 comments
Labels: Rat Terriers, Voilet's babies
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A little more work
Well I managed to get a little bit more done on the Orphan Quilt. Phoenix is thrilled with how it's comming along.On this part I still need to add a button for the deer's eye. I am working on another section now, well I'm off to the sewing maching ya'll :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 11:44 AM 1 comments
Labels: orphan block top, sane quilts
Yet another Pincushion pattern :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Finished Autograph Star
I really like how this turned out. It looks so much better in person. I am kicking myself in the behind for not having bought more of this fabric. I had only bought 1/4 yard of it at the time, back in '06 I think, at the time I wasn't really sure if I would use a whole bunch of it or not. If I'm lucky I'll be able to get a couple more blocks out of this fabric for my BOW.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Block of the Week, sane quilts
BOW Block 2
Well it is time for block #2 of my Block of the Week. I just love this next block ! It is called Autograph Star, one day I would like to make a whole quilt from this pattern. I hope to be able to post a pic of my finished block later on today :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Block of the Week
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Do you like mini blocks?
This quilt kinda reminds me of the Dear Jane Quilt but better yet this quilt has free patterns to it. While browsing the net today I found this pattern over at Sentimental Stitches and my poor printer will be smoking tommorow as I plan to print out all of the patterns. I thought this would be a good quilt to practice my hand sewing on. The blocks are 4 inches ( finished size ). I plan on going to WalMart this weekend to pick up some fabric for it - yes I Have to shop WalMart can't afford the 9.00 + at the local quilt store on my limited budget. Here is the link :
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 7:01 PM 2 comments
Labels: mini blocks, sane quilts, things to make
1874 Antique CQ

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: antique crazy quilt, crazy quilting
Monday, May 26, 2008
Chinese Coins
In a effort to reduce my pile of fabric I am cutting peices for a Chinese Coins quilt. I will start this quilt sometime this upcomming Fall ( if I get a chance with classes and all ) . Hubby has been complaining about the growing piles of fabric around the house so I promised him that I wouldn't buy anymore and would make a huge effort to turn the piles of fabric into quilts.My goal is to make each one of the children & hubby a quilt for christmas. I hope that I will be able to as that will make hubby very happy and get him off of my tail about all of the fabric about the house LOL :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: sane quilts
The Babies
Ain't they just way to cute !! I docked their tails yesterday afternoon though this pic was taken before I had done that. I will post separate photo's of them in a couple of day :) I am really liking that black tux male and I may end up keeping him. I just know he is going to end up tiny like Ginger - in the 3 to 4 pound range. I would love to keep him to breed to Tinkerbell ! I guess I will wait and see, I know Delwin will flip if I keep another male.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rat Terriers, Voilet's babies
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Stash Busting Report + Puppies
I got quite a bit done this week ! I started on the orphan block quilt to try to reduce some of those blocks. I also started on that old bag of blocks ( still can't find the name of them but I'm thinking they are a bowtie varation of some sort ) . And I got a couple more blocks quilted on the Sampler quilt, plus I finished my Block of the Week block.
For this upcomming week there are a few things that I would like to get done.
1. Of course the Block of the Week block
2. Finish quilting Isis's Grandmother's Fan quilt.
3. Sew up all the ornies for the ornie exchange
4. Quilt 2 more blocks of the Sampler quilt.
5. Add a couple of more rows to the Bowtie quilt.
6. Do a little bit more on the orphan quilt
I hope I will be able to get to everything on this list ! It seems like a huge list to me but if I peck at it every day I should be able to do it. On another note Voilet had 3 of the cutest babies Friday night. She had a black tux male, a black tri male and a black tri female. I had put her with Junior this time but I won't be doing that again, next time I breed her I will be mating her to Rocky ( Robert Graham's dog ) . I will post the pic of the babies tomorrow after work.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: sane quilts, Voilet's babies
Orphan Quilt Blocks
I was hunting around in my craft closet again today and found a large tub of orphan blocks. These blocks are leftovers from past quilts and stuff I just wanted to try out. My oldest son Phoenix has already laid claim to it when it is finished. I told him that I *might* be able to have it done by his B-day in September but I make no promises.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 1:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: orphan block top, sane quilts
Rolling Stone
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: antique crazy quilt, Block of the Week, sane quilts
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Another one for my quilting freinds
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: things to make
New Swap
There is a new Swap over at the Stitchin Fingers Forum. It's for crazy quilted ornies. Looks like it will be a whole bunch of fun! I am going to stitch up my blanks today and get a little bit of the embroidery done while I am taking Cheyenne to one of her freinds B-day parties. Won't you come play with us ? I will post pic of my progress tonight :) If you need the addy to Stitchin Fingers click on the tag Stitchin Fingers in my side bar. Hope to see you there!
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: crazy quilting, Stitchin Finger's
Friday, May 23, 2008
Blogger Don't Like Me
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Block of the Week, sane quilts
Thursday, May 22, 2008
A side note
As a side note to the Bear Tracks blocks. While I was piecing this pattern I found a nice hassle free way to do the 1/2 square triangle in this block. Take your print fabric and layer it with your background fabric ( right side facing each other ) draw a line from corner to corner on the diagonal and then stitch 1/4 seam on either side of your drawn line. Cut apart on your drawn line & press open :) As soon as I get home from work I'll post a pic of my finished block.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Block of the Week, sane quilts
Another Start

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: sane quilts
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well the surprise that I was talking about a couple of days ago is here :) I am going to hold a Block of the Week on my blog. I really need to reduce the amount of my fabric stash and I thought this would be a wonderful way to do it! I will only be using the fabrics from my stash ( though I reserve the right to buy yardage for borders and sashing LOL )
Here is the first block , it's called Bear Tracks :
I hope to have mine finished up and posted by sometime tomorrow . Please won't ya'll stitch along with me ?
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Block of the Week
The Mouse :)
Well here is one of the little mice that I made, Cheyenne has claimed one as her own and now wants me to teach her how to hand sew. I will start teaching her this weekend so of the basic blocks. I think that she will really like sewing by hand - the sewing maching kinda freaks her out LOL - she's seen me run my finger over !
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: Pincushions
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A purse to make
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: things to make
Lots of Eye Candy Here
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Surprise is comming :)
A huge surprise is comming for the readers of my blog ! Just picture me with a huge grin LOL ! I have been working on something very special . Keep a close eye on the blog over the next couple of day ;)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Another Freebie
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: things to make
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wow !
Two post in one day, it's been awhile since I have been able to manage that :) Well I got alot done today - of the 20 blocks on my Sampler Quilt I was able to get 6 of them quilted. I hope to have this monkey off of my back by Monday or Tuesday. I was also able to get 2 more seams done on my Fall C.Q. , it felt good to get away from the sewing machine for a bit to do some hand stitching.
Over at Stitchin Fingers some of us ( me being one of those some ) have decided to revisit Sharon B's 100 stitches. I think that this will really inspire me to kick this Fall C.Q. in the butt and get it done. I have decided on a layout for my Fall quilt. I am going to do 20 blocks and then add a a red 2 inch border around that, after the red border I will add a 6 inch crazy quilted border followed by a 4 inch black border. This will give me a very nice sized wall hanging. Well almost 3 blocks done only 17 more to go LOL, I wonder how much I can get done before classes start up again this Fall? I am kinda dreading to see school start back in again, it takes everything I have to do school,work and the dogs. I really wish that there were more hours in one day :) However as for school I have some wonderful news, finial grades were posted yesterday, I have an A in both History and English. I am so happy, I was really having a hard time in English and was wondering if I was going to pass it but I did so I don't have to worry about having to retake the course.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: crazy quilting, Fall C.Q, Stitchin Finger's
Beads for Crazy Quilting
I have recently been asked where I buy my seed beads for my crazy quilts at. I buy them from a seller on Ebay. The seller is Barrel Of Beads and they carry any colour you could ever want and better yet they sell by the gram. A gram of seed beads works out to about 200 -250 beads. Plenty for about any project I do. Here is a link to their Ebay store -
I have finally found my camera :) Later on I will post pic's of the little mouse pincushions that I made the other day. Today I am going to try to finish quilting my sampler quilt and if there is enough time left over I would like to do a couple more seams on my Fall block. I have the little bear completed and I'll try to remember to post some photo's of him also.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: crazy quilting
Friday, May 16, 2008
How to Make a Tea Wallet
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: things to make
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A Very Busy Day
Well I have had one heck of a day ! I made 3 of the little mouse pincushions , they work up so cute and are super quick. When I find my temporally misplaced ditial camera I will post some photo's of them. I also was digging around in the craft closet and pulled out 2 quilts that needed finishing. The 1st one is my Sampler quilt, I got quite a bit stitched on that. The second was a baby quilt that I started on almost 3 years ago, it just needs to be finished quilting and a binding, I didn't get at it today though. While I was quilting my Sampler quilt I remembered why I had stuck it into the craft closet to start with - I really hate quilting the tops. Now mind you I love to make the tops but as for finishing them I find all of the stop and go very tedious. I think the next top I make I'll just send off to be quilted LOL :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:18 PM 0 comments
A Mouse Pincushion
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 6:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: things to make
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bear Progress and a seam

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: crazy quilting, Fall C.Q
Stitchin Finger's
I just wanted to give ya'll a heads up - Sharon B of In A Minute Ago has started a new forum and it looks like it will be just loads of fun . You can find it at -
please go check it out and join in if you wish, it's free to join. I will be posting some update pic's of my Fall block 3 , either later on tonight or tomorrow sometime . I found the cutest little bear pattern and I'm in the process of finishing him off :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: crazy quilting, Fall C.Q, Stitchin Finger's
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Another Fall Block

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: crazy quilting, Fall C.Q
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ebay Win :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: crazy quilting, Fall C.Q
A bit of eye candy

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 1:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: antique crazy quilt, crazy quilting, Fall C.Q