Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 7:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: mini quilts, redwork blocks
Monday, July 28, 2008
Busy Stitching Away
I am busy stitching up the mini redwork months blocks that i posted about a couple of posts ago. They are working up super quick and way to cute - I like them so much I may have to make a couple of these mini quilts for a couple of very special blog buddies of mine :) I will be back to post photo's of the 3 that I have completed when I get home from work as this morning I rembered the camera but not the dang cord - grrr -
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: mini blocks, mini quilts, redwork blocks, sane quilts
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Last little male
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: Rat Terriers, Voilet's babies
Saturday, July 26, 2008
More free Redwork patterns
This is the cutest little redwork mini quilt :) I was up way to early this morning and I've run across a bunch of redwork patterns that I thought some of you might enjoy.To find these patterns go here : http://www.geocities.com/letssewitall/one_year_project.html
For some Kewpie day of the week babies go here :

Also go here for some really neat redwork patterns : http://www.grandmasatticquilting.com/patterns.htm

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:37 AM 3 comments
Labels: redwork patterns, things to make
Friday, July 25, 2008
More Baby Ducks
Phoenix got 3 new baby ducks yesterday . I had giving him some money for helping out with the dogs. He bought these 3 little babies for 9 $ . They are Mallard/Muscovie mix. Very cute little things though very shy as they won't let me get very close to take any good pictures.Phoenix's Topknot ducks are growing fast , they have all of thier adult feathers in now. Pretty soon I'll be having to work on a new pen for the ducks as I think they will outgrow this one soon as it is only 12'x12'.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: pets, Phoenix's Ducks
1906 Crazy Quilt
I just had to share this quilt with ya'll ! Sadly it's not one that I own but if I had an extra 4,000 $ I sure would be owning it :) I love antique Crazy Quilts with lots of embroidery and this one sure does have a bunch !! Hope ya'll enjoy. I'll be back soon to share some more of my work.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:56 AM 2 comments
Labels: antique crazy quilt, crazy quilting
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A mini chinese coin
I put this one together a couple of days ago. It's a repo of a full sized quilt that I saw several years ago at an Antique store but the orignal had a huge price tag on it so I walked away with just some photo's of the quilt. I have put this top up for sale on Ebay as I really need the $$ right now.I have it up to auction for 11.99 or buy it now of 18.00 . Do ya'll think that's to much money? I am working on a couple of more tops to put up and then I can start some to keep.
*** Edit to add - all these fabrics were from my stash , I wonder if it'll count twoards the Stash Challenge ? *****
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: mini quilts, sane quilts, Stash Challenge
Monday, July 21, 2008
Free Summer Workshops
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 6:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: sane quilts, Summer Workshop
Sunday, July 20, 2008
More Puppy Photo's

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 3:25 PM 4 comments
Labels: Angel, Rat Terriers
Friday, July 18, 2008
Cheyenne's Progress
It took Cheyenne forever to pick out a pattern that she wanted to do. But in the end she choose a cute basket with flowers in it to applique.

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 5:01 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cheyenne's Quilt, family, Stash Challenge
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunbonnet Sue Update
Here is Sunbonnet #1 finished and Sunbonnet #2 is done also I just need to get her pic on here. The blocks are so much fun to do. I think though that I am going to stop at these 2 and put them with some other blocks to make a sampler. I really want to try out my hand at hand quilting. This past summer I got 3 lap quilting hoops at a yard sale for cheaper than dirt and I really want to give them a go :) I have 4 more blocks that I know will match these little sue's. I think I will play around with some graph paper tonight and figure out just how big I am going to go with this. My first thought is 12 blocks + sashing and boders to maybe make a cuddle quilt . We'll have to see.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 6:55 PM 2 comments
Labels: sane quilts, Stash Challenge, sunbonnet sue
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
More New Puppies :)
Angel had babies this afternoon !! She had 4 of the most adorable itty bitty little babies you ever wanna see. She had 3 blue merle's and 1 little female that looks like it will be a brindle. I will know more about that female in a couple of weeks. I will post some pic's as soon as I get that darn new camera sorted out.
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 5:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Angel, Rat Terriers
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Worst Luck Ever

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 9:26 PM 3 comments
Labels: 5 Finishes Challenge, family, sane quilts, Stash Challenge
Meet Memphis
I went out to Robert Graham's last week because I was hunting a new stud. He had several litters to choose from, I knew that I either wanted a blue or a chocolate stud. I looked at a ton of puppy's from just born to 4 months old. I ended up picking out a little male from the oldest litter. What really cinched it for me was that this litter was born on my birthday so I just knew that it was fated to be. Memphis is the smallest male hiding in the back. He's still a little bit shy but I'm sure he will come out of it soon. At 4 months old he wieghs in at 2 1/2 pounds. I figure that he will mature about 4 to 5 pounds. I am very excited about this little guy :) He has everything that I am looking for in a new stud, size, colour and spunk !! I have been searching a long time for the perfect blue and now I have him :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Memphis, Rat Terriers
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Alphabet Friends
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Sunbonnet Sue
I put these little Sue's together yesterday at work. I am useing some of the fabric from the stash challenge. These block will become a baby quilt. I am doing a buttonhole stitch around the edges in black DMC. In the last photo you can see a bit of the buttonhole stitch that I did on the purple Sue.I am going to try to finish her up today and then if I get lucky I'll be able to get to the red Sue today. I'll post some more photo's tomorrow of my progress. I'm off to go stitch now :)
Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 8:03 AM 1 comments
Labels: sane quilts, Stash Challenge, sunbonnet sue
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Some free patterns

Posted by Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 at 3:47 AM 1 comments
Labels: mini quilts, Rat Terriers, redwork patterns, things to make