I have a totaly newfound respect for those quilters who are so talented that they can hand quilt ! I am having a heck of a time learning how to do this :( My poor Sunbonnet Sam quilt is suffering dearly from my attempts to learn how to hand quilt and my November mini is also suffering . Ugg I love how hand quilting looks but I may just give it up after these two projects are done. I can load my needle with the stitches to save my life , all I can manage to do is a stab stitch and it never looks nice on the back.
Well enough moaning and groaning I have some wonderful news my ALQS 2 quilt arrives today in the mail !! Oh it's so pretty, I had fallen in love with it when I had seen it on the group blog and I can't belive that it's mine :) :) It is from Debbie in Canada - here is a link to her blog
The photo is from the group blog, as soon as I get a minute I'll post some photo's of it and the wonderful extras that Debbie sent !
I like you blog :)
Ciao mi chiamo Turi e sono siciliano, ho visto che hai un bel blog, ricco di contenuti, mi farebbe piacere se ci scambiassimo i link.
il mio è questo:
Ciao fammi sapere.
So exciting receiving quilts in the mail! Please let us see the great things you receive!:)
i was coveting that quilt too...very cute! congrats! cant wait to rcv mine :)
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